HIFU - the secret weapon against aging. Bring on the compliments!

Hey there, Blush peeps! Today I am starting a chat about a treatment we have had at Blush for a while that promises to take years off your face without the need for surgery. That's right, we're talking about HIFU - High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound..

Now, we know what you're thinking - "ultrasound?” HIFU is not that type of ultrasound. In fact, it's a cutting-edge technology that uses ultrasound waves to create micro injuries in the skin at specific depths, stimulating the production of collagen and elastin to rejuvenate your skin from the inside out. And the best part? It's great for ages 40-60 to age gracefully and slow down the ageing process. Even better at Blush we have created our very own HIFU Combination Therapy which allows us to systematically treat the skin from top to bottom.

Think of HIFU as a workout for your skin, a massive workout, like an ultra marathon - it creates tiny, controlled injuries that stimulate your skin's natural healing response, resulting in firmer, tighter, and more youthful-looking skin. And the best part? There's no downtime, no surgery, and no injecions involved! You can literally get up from your treatment and head straight back to work or to your next social event.

But let's be real, the real question on everyone's mind is, "does it hurt?" The answer is no, not really. Some people may experience mild discomfort, but it's easily manageable with a simple painkiller. Plus, the results are totally worth it!

So, who's a good candidate for HIFU? Anyone looking to improve the appearance of mild sagging skin, fine lines, wrinkles, and even acne scars. It's a great option for those who want to age gracefully and slow down the aging process without resorting to invasive procedures.

So there you have it, folks - HIFU, the natural facelifting treatment that's taking the beauty world by storm. Just remember, beauty is skin deep, but confidence is what really makes you shine!

Want to know more? flick us an email tracey@blushbeauty.co.nz or check out our website www.blushbeauty.co.nz

Massage is good. Massage is great .We love massage!

Massage is one of the best ways to relieve stress and help you relax. Often stress can contribute heavily to a stressed out unhappy skin It also has many other benefits, including pain relief and improved sleep quality. Massage involves applying pressure using hands or elbows, strokes or kneading on certain points of the body (these points are called trigger points). When these points get stimulated, it helps release muscle tension from both internal organs as well as muscles themselves leading to better blood flow within the body thus improving overall health.

We just love what massage can do for your skin, body and mind

Massage can fight stress.

Stress is a part of life, but it can be controlled with the right tools. Massage is one of those tools.

Stress can lead to many health problems and make you feel tired all the time. Massage helps reduce stress by relaxing your muscles and reducing tension in the body, which will allow you to sleep better at night.

Massage anyone?

Massage can boost your immune system.

Did you know that massage can help your immune system by increasing circulation and lymphatic drainage. When you have a massage, the increased blood flow to your tissues will help remove toxins from the body and support healthy cell function, which is important for immunity.This is why we suggest drinking water after your massage, to assist your body to flush out the toxins.

Lymphatic drainage is also important for helping fight infection, because it removes dead cells from all over your body-- including those that may have been damaged by an injury or disease like cancer. Massage can help increase lymphatic flow through gentle movements like tapping or rubbing the skin, which stimulates the movement of fluid away from congested areas into other parts of the body where it can be absorbed back into circulation again.

We incorporate lymphatic drainage movements into most of our massages whether it be part of a facial or a full body massage.

Regular massage can reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue.

Regular massage can reduce depression, anxiety and fatigue. Massage can help you feel more relaxed, less anxious and less depressed.

Massage can improve your quality of sleep.

Massage can help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep longer.

Massage is an effective treatment for insomnia, as it helps you relax, which in turn improves your quality of sleep. Massage also reduces the amount of time it takes to fall asleep by about 15 minutes on average, according to research published in the Journal of Alternative Medicine Research. It also lowers the number of times you wake up during the night by half!

Massage helps digestion.

Massage is a great way to help you digest your food. When you massage your stomach, it stimulates the digestive system and improves circulation in that area. The result? You get more nutrients out of what you eat, which helps prevent constipation and other digestive issues.

Massage also relaxes muscles, relieves stress and pain (including headaches), improves sleep quality, boosts immunity by stimulating the lymphatic system--and who doesn't want all those things?! We know we do!

A good massage can improve your circulation and blood flow to muscles, which in turn helps them function better and heal faster.

The next time you're feeling sore, try getting a massage. It can help improve your circulation and blood flow to muscles, which in turn helps them function better and heal faster.

Massages also have been shown to increase endorphins (the body's happy hormones). Additionally, they are thought to reduce anxiety levels by releasing serotonin into the bloodstream--and who doesn't want more serotonin?

It is shown that massage has a positive effect on the skin, especially when it comes to reducing the appearance of wrinkles due to stress and dryness. And who doesn't want beautiful looking skin?

Massage is a great way to reduce wrinkles and improve the appearance of your skin. It's also beneficial for relieving pain and stress, as well as improving circulation.

Massage simply has so many benefits!

So there you have it! Massage is a great way to improve your health and wellbeing. And don't forget that regular sessions can also help prevent illness by boosting your immune system.

One of the key things I look for when hiring staff is their hands, and the quality of their massage. I can honestly say hand on heart you will always get a great massage at Blush.


Being over 40 isn't all bad, we can help...

As a 40 year old female, you may have noticed that your skin is not quite the same as it used to be. You may have noticed that your skin has become duller, drier and more prone to breakouts. Which is frustrating and frankly more than a little depressing. But - It's not all doom and gloom.. By adopting a simple and effective skincare routine, you can keep your skin looking radiant and healthy and help your skin to work as it should. At Blush, we understand the importance of finding the right skincare products for your age group and skin concerns. That's why we have carefully chosen our ranges of skincare products to suit the needs of those over 40.

These products are designed to help you tackle the specific issues you are likely to be facing - such as wrinkles, age spots, dryness, dullness and sagging. Our ranges include products with good percentages of key active ingredients, such as Retinol, Vitamin C, Niacinamide, Hyaluronic Acid, Salicylic Acid and Antioxidants. These ingredients have been proven to help reduce wrinkles, firm skin, reduce age spots and give skin a healthy glow.

You won’t find anything over the counter or on instagram that has the same quality ingredients that pack a punch.

We believe in using the right products in the right ways. That's why we provide educational resources to help you understand which ingredients are best suited to your skin type, and how to use them correctly. We also believe that a simple skincare routine is best. We recommend focusing on just a few key products that target your main skin concerns, rather than trying to use too many products. We also stress that you adopt a skincare routine that you are able to maintain. This will help to ensure that your skin gets the nourishment it needs, without overloading it with unnecessary ingredients. So if you're looking for the right skincare products to help keep your skin looking radiant and youthful in your 40s, then we are here to help. Our ranges of carefully selected skincare products can help you to keep your complexion looking smooth, hydrated and glowing. Plus we have anti aging treatments galore, so once you have that skincare routine in place, we can work with you to make a treatment plan to push pause on ageing.

If you would like some honest advice on your skin get in touch on tracey@blushbeauty.co.nz

Hairy Beast

The title of todays blog should resonate with many. Not having a facial for 4 weeks will have an impact sure, but for our waxing and laser clients there have been many hilarious texts and Facebook messages coming into my inbox daily, with a prolific amount of laughter emoji’s. (Disclaimer, this is not meant to offend but simply to hopefully create a few smiles and a bit of hearty deep belly laughter.)

Todays was my favourite comment. This morning I was chatting via messenger to a friend about how courier services were now only for essential businesses.

Her reply was:

Just attacking my legs in the shower with a razor and thought about your courier problem… Let’s see how essential those courier bosses think your service is when they start thinking they’re sleeping with a bloke. (Insert a laughing emoji)

Since we have closed, we have had many similar responses.

“My god, just think of the brows and bikini waxes you will be flooded with…

“Lots of hair. Might need a line trimmer”.

Not hair related but - If I can’t come to Blush I’ll have to order more wine…

“You might be a bit busy when you get back if we all look like this (Hairy ape photo) when the lockdown is over”

On a live FB Video recently I jokingly suggested online Brazilian lessons. That was met with a few comments that made me laugh, but alas I cannot find them in Facebook world.

So here I would like to give you some tips and tricks, some interim measures to get through the next 4 weeks.

1/ The option to go rogue, that’s right just grow it all out–Dependant on who is currently in your bubble. One thing to remember is if you’re a regular Brazilian waxer, it may be better not to shave, when you do come to wax it will be slightly less painful than if you shaved. (EEK!)

2/ Cut longer and coarse hairs with nail scissors if your eyesight isn’t so great, (but be careful!). What often happens with plucking when you cannot see the area is skin irritation and nasty small lumps, which in turn look worse than the hair in question and also are painful.

2/ Get friendly with your razor. Not the best thing to think about if you are a hard-core waxer, but alas there is a worldwide health crisis happening. However, if you are just beginning your laser journey, stick with this and we will restart your laser as soon as the doors open!

3/ Pluck, pluck and pluck some more. Warning -you may experience some symptoms of RSI if you continue this on larger areas over time.

4/ This is a scary option and must only be used in desperate times. Pharmacy or supermarket home waxing. Please be aware that the wax quality is not the best. Firstly, you may have hardly any hair that gets removed, but it will feel painful. Or and this is what I am scared about- you may cause yourself harm. It isn’t easy to pull your own wax off, and sometimes you simply cannot get it off. (I am sure some of you will have read a few hilarious accounts of home bikini waxing that have circulated Facebook over the years.)


Wait, and we will see you on the other side.


Stay safe everyone


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No Skincare Belongs On The Internet

When you’re unwell, would you buy antibiotics from the internet? If you had trouble breathing, would you hop on google to look for an asthma inhaler? Or if you daughter’s temperature rose, would you go online to find out how to bring the temperature down and buy whatever is recommended?


No you wouldn’t. Why not? Because it’s dangerous. Because you have no idea what is wrong in the first place, let alone risk purchasing the wrong thing and making the situation worse, possibly, dangerously worse. You would definitely seek the help of a doctor who knows what they’re doing and is trained to give you the right response and direct you to a safe and desirable outcome.


If I asked this question 20 years ago, this would have been a silly and unrelated analogy but today it is NOT! Effective, results driven skincare cannot be purchased willy nilly. Effective skincare that actually does something; clears acne, clears pigmentation, defies ageing, needs to be recommended based on YOUR specific needs. All skins, all conditions are different and require a different recommendation to address what is needed. Plus there are so many more factors to take into consideration; age, diet, gut health, lifestyle habits which make finding the right skincare even more complicated.

No product in isolation will address a skin challenge. It requires careful analysis and combination. Even with a great range, the right cleanser with the wrong serum, can be counterproductive, resulting in you taking two steps forward (with the right range) and then one step backward (with the wrong combo).


The untrained person won’t know this. Can’t know this. 

The right skincare range would not risk this happening and so the right skincare ranges, are not available on the internet for sale (like dresses, coffee, kitchen gadgets are) for consumers to self-prescribe. And if it is, then you would have no idea how to make the right choices, know which products are right for you at the time (skin changes all the time) so this is what will more than likely happen if you purchase skincare from the internet:

(1) You risk a skin reaction that may not be reversed and if it can be, will take considerable time and considerable discomfort
(2) You’ll waste your money. Just because it says it contains Vitamin C, doesn’t mean it will work. The amount of Vitamin C in the product may be miniscule, too miniscule to make a difference. Or the molecule will be so large that it cannot go anywhere but sit on the surface of your skin, treating the dead skin cells there that will fall off any minute!

(3) Pay peanuts, get monkeys. A skincare product that costs $20 is too expensive if it doesn’t do anything. Any skincare range that is cheap spends its money on packaging, advertising, marketing (which costs millions of dollars). Effective skincare ranges that contain the right ingredients with the right formulations spend their money on research, clinical studies and the best ingredients, formulated in the most effective way (which also costs millions of dollars). Which one do you think you should go for?

My advice? Only invest in effective skincare ranges (cosmeceuticals) recommended by professionals who have spent hundreds of hours studying the skin, it’s functions and best skin outcomes. You can only find these professionals in skin clinics and beauty salons that focus on skin.  


These people are not on the internet because they know it’s all about individual needs, personal skin conditions, skin concerns, lifestyle habits and so much more. Good skincare routines can be made up of 5 products plus and requires a tailored made ‘prescription’ and that cannot be achieved with the push of a button.

At Blush we have a wealth of knowledge and we all work together coming up with the best solutions for our clients. We know what has worked in the past for many others. If you are struggling with your skin or you just want to age gracefully and need some help, get in touch on tracey@blushbeauty.co.nz.

Ouch I’ve hurt my shoulder

Ok, so I have hurt my shoulder – well what the hell does that have to do with your skin, I hear you ask?

Not much to be fair- however I am being treated by an acupuncturist (Emily Taylor from Heal Holistic in Lincoln) and we got chatting.

Whilst getting changed and ready to lie on the bed for my treatment I noticed among all her certificates, one for Cosmetic Acupuncture. I was intrigued, so I asked her what was involved. Thinking it would simply be targeting different points in the face, I was interested to find out that the starting point was actually treating the body as a whole and creating an overall healthier system. Only then can she start to treat the face itself.

Well, we started chatting about the body in general and found we had both come to the same conclusion when dealing with our clients and their concerns. Diet and lifestyle were just as, if not more important than the actual treatments we each provide.

We also discussed that there are some people come to us who are incredibly self aware, they know their body inside and out, what works for them and more importantly what doesn’t. Then at the other end of the spectrum there are others who have no idea, and for them the journey is a long hard road as there just seems to be more to change in their life than not, putting it in the too hard basket.

I suppose at this junction comes the realisation that your body is telling you that  something is just not working. Meaning you need to begin to make a change. Ultimately that change is up to you.

So for myself and my wonderful team at Blush Beauty & Skin, when working with the skin we delve into many lifestyle questions. Now these can be quite confronting and one of the most important questions is “How often do you have a bowel motion”?

There is often a link between a sluggish bowel and a skin condition. When you think about it logically, if you are a little backed up there are a few unnecessary toxins floating around the body.

Then we get to stress, this is a biggie. Stress can be the trigger for some nasty skin issues – often the biggest problem being that the stress isn’t going anywhere and will quite happily move in to your life and take over your couch like an unwanted visitor outstaying their welcome! Things like marriage breakdowns, selling a house, moving countries or losing a loved one can have a catastrophic affect on your skin. For some this can spark a bout of horrendous adult acne, eczema or dermatitis. Often when stress is involved there is also a red inflamed aspect to the skin.

In today’s fast paced world we all want a quick fix. However what we need to realise is that often the things that we are trying to treat didn’t turn up overnight, so it’s a little unreasonable to think it can be rectified in a 24 hour window. Put in the work making a change where it’s needed, take the advice given and put it into practice. When seeking help from a professional listen to them as they know what they’re talking about.

Chances are if you take the advice given, tweak a few things in your diet and lifestyle, the treatments that you are receiving will have a much better outcome.

Oh, and Emily is great, my shoulder is well on the mend and I highly recommend her!


At the tender age of 18 my skin was a raging red angry spotty mess. Was it my age? I was technically still in my teens so the general consensus was that teenage hormones were interfering with my complexion. At this stage of my life I was a working beauty therapist, smothering my skin with liquid foundation daily only exasperating the redness and inflammation of  my acne.  My boss took it upon herself to help me, and we started a round of facials. Now this was 1991 so the super duper active ingredients that we have today in our cosmeceutical ranges had not yet hit the shores of NZ. This was when facials were “relaxing”, so basically we cleaned and steamed the “shit” out of my skin and just ran the repeat button.

I was doing all the right things with my skincare. My make up was questionable and contributing to the problem, but there was no way I felt comfortable to bare my skin to anyone. Ever!

How was my diet ? I was flatting and having the time of my life! My wine consumption was off the scale. Did I drink water? No, I preferred Iced Chocolates, Milo and Ribena. Why would I drink water? Was I healthy? I was a member of Les Mills and did attend sometimes…

I vividly remember sitting on our couch hungover as all hell, make up free and embarrassed that visitors had casually dropped by unannounced. A random visitor (a male friend of my flatmate’s) looked at me with disgust as I demolished a cookie time cookie and a downed a glass of Ribena and said to me – All that sugar cannot be helping your skin!

This has stayed with me for over 27 years, and why didn’t I even consider his comment back then?

I just wish I knew then what I know now.

Stay tuned for my next chapter, where I continue my story on how my diet was sabotaging my skin!

Stay happy. The acne survivor – Tracey

Help Me – My Skin Is Throwing A Tantrum!

A friend (let’s call her Jane) recently asked me what she could do to help her skin, what treatment could give it a bit of life? Her skin was just feeling blah, so I suggested the Blush Advanced Facial as it contains an efficient form of exfoliation in the form of a peel and our LED Light Therapy (as well as all the other bits and bobs).

Here is a little of Jane’s back story. She went off the pill last year and her skin just started to go downhill. Nothing too major, just a few spots here and there, but she didn’t want to go back on the pill, nor did she want to worry about breakouts. This is a familiar scenario that we deal with at least once a week. Contraception pills such as Ginette and a few others have the ability to keep skin clear by managing hormonal fluctuations. When you come off the pill it takes 6 months to 1 year for your body to right itself and for hormones to go back to your new normal. However, if you were predisposed to breakouts before, there is a good chance you will be again.

Often, pills like Ginette are prescribed when we are in our teens, and we come off in our 30’s or maybe earlier to start a family. This can often mean that hormones have settled, but unfortunately this is not the case for everyone.

To manage Jane’s skin coming off the pill earlier last year we introduced a serum to help combat the hormonal influences causing the break outs, which after a few weeks worked well. But then she just hit a glitch and her skin was feeling downright yuck.

I am happy to say the facial did the trick, which led to the question how often should one have facials and what can she do at home in between facials?

I said – I’ll write a blog!

Her big splurge is using O Cosmedics, and in my opinion, it is always better to invest in great skincare that you will use twice daily than it is to spend money on a facial. However in saying that there are times when your skin just needs a good clean out.

Myself and my team always offer the best honest advice we possibly can.

I always ask two things when looking at correcting a skin concern.

What are your constraints-?

Time or Money?

For Jane she cannot stretch to a facial once a month, so she wanted to know how often is she should be having a facial.

  • It’s always better to have a facial than no facial

  • Once or twice a year is a great option to give the skin a boost, but I would suggest something with a bit of grunt containing a peel and an LED Light

  • Having a facial at the change of seasons is a really great way to keep your skin looking good as it is often when our skin is having to deal with a change in temperatures.

  • 4-6 weekly is a great option if you are wanting to see a visible change or correct a concern

  • When dealing with acne we often get you in a few times a week to go under the LED light and add in a peel once a week and then onto twice a week, but once your skin clears we suggest once a month for an LED light treatment to maintain your clear skin

  • To gain great skin health and make a change an LED light treatment once a month can do wonders.

So if you are in the camp that can only manage one or two facial’s a year here is my advice.

Find a great skin focused salon (some one like us!) and book a consultation. Get your skincare right from the get go. The products may have a higher price tag than you are used to but they contain large percentages of active ingredients than products you find elsewhere. Also remember your therapist is prescribing the skincare for your face, not someone else- she is sitting there looking at your skin and listening to your concerns and will come up with a plan just for you.

Use your skincare twice a day, up your game by using a serum (these correct concerns and are the gamechanger) and wear an SPF30 daily.

Once or twice a week use a scrub or peel at home. Do this at night so that you can apply your serum and hydrator afterwards and the next morning your skin will have a new lease of life.

We have many options for you to do skin treatments at home.

Here are my absolute faves

Using the O Cosmedics 3in1 Peel, leaving it on for 15 minutes – then applying their Exfoliating cleanser dry on top and doing a 1 minute scrub all over the face. Leave for a minute then repeat this time using water. Wash off. This is the equivalent to a gentle salon peel and together these two products make up a kick ass team

To make this duo even better finish off with the Aspect Gold hydrating mask and sleep in it.

For a skin that is prone to blackheads and/ or breakouts apply the O Cosmedics Corrective Peel and Cleanser. Shake the bottle and apply to a dry face with dry hands avoiding the eyes. Leave on 3-5 minutes. Add water and lather cleanser up and then rinse off.

This will help to dissolve any blockages in the pores, but is not suggested for a dry skin. Once a week is more than enough for this cleanser.

Home rolling with a skin needling device

You can use a home skin needling device up to 3x per week at home. Use at night after cleansing and this will, increase skin circulation, improve skin texture, help with skin blockages (Don’t roll over an infected spot though) and can help with fine lines and wrinkles.

It can be used with a serum to target different concerns such as pigmentation and ageing.

Any serum you apply after needling will tingle as you have irritated your skin.

I hope you have learnt something from this blog that you will be able to use to help your own skin.

If you are after more advice email us on tracey@blushbeauty.co.nz and we can help you out with a little more advice.

Wishing you happy clear skin.

Tracey Keefe

Busy Is Not Always Better...

So when you are working hard, eating well and exercising on a regular basis you should feel good right?

Well yes that is true, however you also need to listen to your body, otherwise it may just slow down and put out.

A few years ago, I stepped out of the salon due to a bit of a mini breakdown, and it was only due to having a fantastic team of therapists that I was able to do that. Believe me when I say it took a while before I was back to my best self. It is because of this and being a post-natal depression survivor that I feel quite in tune with my body. Do I ignore the signs – hell yes all the time. What happens? I fall flat on my face, there is the odd tantrum and a few tears!

As I am writing this I feel sad that I cancelled my gym class this morning, but my body is doing a happy dance. I did do something though, I grabbed my laptop and yoga mat and did a 10 minute yoga routine with Adrienne. (If you google yoga with Adrienne she has a free YouTube channel which is fantastic.)

My body was ecstatic, and the yoga felt so good that I added in a few more stretches at the end.

You see I have gone from working hands on from time to time when a therapist was sick - to working full time as a therapist plus doing all the business bits on top of that. The load is starting to get a little heavy but there is an end in sight. I actually adore the hands-on part, but when you have staff to mentor and manage, marketing to do as well as all the boring bits, you can become a bit below average at everything.

My body has been trying to tell me it is suffering from exhaustion for a week now, so I will resume my gym classes on in a couple of days and stay away from Danishes and the licorice logs (My current vices).

How does this relate to my skin- My skin is crappy. It is quite frankly dull, a little spotty and a bit shit really. Thanks to my product selection and my dedication to the cause it’s looking a lot better.

So, the message for today- look after yourself. Even if it’s sitting quietly having a cup of tea practice some quiet time. Give yourself a little love. If you have been eating rubbish, don’t be hard on yourself, instead simply try to be better -  day by day hour by hour.